MaxSignatures Api Sign PDF


sign should be called when a digital signature user needs to sign a document. It can be retrieved via a soap request using the "sign" method to

accountInfo:{//used to authenticate the user who upload the document
username:'',//account name, for example:
signatureSetting:{//The setting of the new signature
page://The page number of the signature (page number start from 1)
x://x position of the signature
y://y position of the signature
width://width of the signature
height://height of the signature
signatureConfiguration:{//the configuration of the new signature
graphicImageName://the name of the graphical signature to be used in the new signature
reason://the reason of the new signature
signatureName://the name of the signature
timezone://the timezone for the signature
data: //base64encoded data of the document
mimeType: //Mimetype
documentName:'',//the name of the document


The response comes in a soap object containing three elements.

(string) code - A response code. This will be "000" if there is no error
(string) message - A description of the response code
data: //base64encoded data of the document
mimeType: //Mimetype
documentName:'',//the name of the document

Sample Code (using NuSoap) (PHP)

The xml for the WSDL can be found here