MaxSignatures Api Create Account


createAccount should be called for new user sign up from max signature reseller site. It can be retrieved via a soap request using the "createAccount" method to

offer_type:,//0 for individual account || 1 for small business, Int
org_name:,//organization name, String (optional)
users:[//An array of user information
{//array for each user
username:'',//account name, for example: "maxsiguser", String
email:'',//email address, String
password:'',//password, String
common_name:'',//User common, String (optional)
is_admin://is the user the admin, Int
{//second user
billing_info:{//billing information
credit_card:{//credit card information
card_number:''//card number, String
card_holder_name:''//card holder's name, String
card_type:''//card type (visa, master, etc.), String
card_cvv:''//cvv number, String
card_expire_month://expiration month, Int
card_expire_year://expiration year, Int
billing_address:{//address information
street1:''//Street line 1, String
street2:''//Street line 2, String
city:''//city name, String
state:''//state name, String
zip:''//zip code, String
country:''//country code, String
phone:''//phone number, String


The response comes in a soap object containing three elements.

(string) code:{//response code
001.U.A//No administrator defined or multiple administrators defined.
001.D.E//User information validation failed. User already exists in digital user table.
001.L.P//User information validation failed. Email address already exists in LDAP but password is wrong.
001.T.P//User information validation failed. Tuser account already exists but password is wrong.
002.C.E-10//Credit card validation failed. No credit card.
002.C.E-20//Credit card validation failed. Credit authorization failed.
002.C.E-30//Credit card validation failed. Void of credit authorization failed.
005.S.E//Create subscription failed.
008.G.C//Provision failed. Create group failed.
008.L.C//Provision failed. Create LDAP account failed.
008.D.C//Provision failed. Create DSUser account failed.
(string) message - A description of the response code
(string array) values - If create account succeed, return all the usernames.

Sample Code (using NuSoap) (PHP)

The xml for the WSDL can be found here