MaxSignatures Api Create Workflow


startMDWorkflow should be called when a digital signature user needs to create a multi-document workflow (send documents to a group of counterparties). It can be retrieved via a soap request using the "startMDWorkflow" method to

accountInfo:{//used to authenticate the user who upload the document
username:'',//account name, for example:
commonName:'',//owner's common name (this name will appear in counterparties' page)
workflow:{//multi-doc workflow infromation
documents:{ //an array of document object
data: //base64encoded data of the document
mimeType: //Mimetype
documentName:'',//the name of the document
editable:'',//whether keep the document editable (if document contains forms, set editable parameter = 1 to allow the first counterparty fill the form)
signatureTemplate:{//document's signature information
signatures:{ //an array of signature objects (signature information)
widget:{ //signature position information
x: //x position of the signature box
y: //y position of the signature box
width: //width of the signature box
height: //height of the signature box
page: //which page (page index start from 1) should the signature sign on
gsName: //the name of the graphical signature that will be used for the signature
reason: //the reason code of the signature
timezone: //the timezone of the signature
fields:{ //An array of empty signature field
widget:{ //signature position information
x: //x position of the signature box
y: //y position of the signature box
width: //width of the signature box
height: //height of the signature box
page: //which page (page index start from 1) should the signature sign on
signer: //the email of the counterparty who will be required to sign the signature field
message: //the message that will appear in the signature field for the counterparty who will be required to sign the signature field
prefilledFormData:{//document's prefill information (for form PDF only). It is an array of form field data object
fieldName: //the name of the form field
fieldValue: //the value you want to pre-filled to the form field
minLen: //minimum digits rule (optional)
minLenMessage: //Message showing to the counterparty when minLen rule break
maxLen: //maximum digits rule (optional)
maxLenMessage: //Message showing to the counterparty when maxLen rule break
regExp: //regular express rule (optional)
regExpMessage: //Message showing to the counterparty when regular express rule break
isHidden: //a boolean value. Whether the field is a hidden value.
signers:{//an array of counterparty infromation
signerName: //name of the counterparty
signerEmail: //email address of the counterparty
comment:'' //comments for the counterparties
subject:'' //subject of the email that sent after the last counterpart sign the documents
isPublic:'' //reserved
settings:'' //an unsigned int value. Each bit of the value is a setting flag
   //bit 0: whether use secure email
   //bit 1: whether display IP address on the signature
   //other bits: reserved


The response comes in a soap object containing three elements.
  (string) code - A response code. This will be "000" if there is no error
  (string) message - A description of the response code
  (int) workflowId - The id of the new created workflow

Sample Code (using NuSoap) (PHP)

The xml for the WSDL can be found here